The name Pocahontas means "the naughty one" or "spoiled child". The name also sounds familiar to most people because of the Disney movie. However, Pocahontas' real name was Matoaka. The legend of the Pocahontas Myth is that she saved John Smith from getting killed by her father in 1607. She would have been around 10 or 11 at the time. When the Disney movie Pocahontas came out, Pocahontas looked much older then 10 or 11. Roy Disney thought the movie was pretty accurate and respectful, but the Powhatan Nation really disagreed stating, "The film distorts history beyond recognition. Our offers to assist Disney with cultural and historical accuracy were rejected." (Chief Roy Crazy Horse) Pocahontas has been badly falsisfied by the entertainment world. In the actual Pocahontas myth, John Smith was treated well by the Powhatan people. Some people are still trying to figure out why Smith's fibbing was so important that it became a national myth. Popular enough that even Disney improves it. If anyone knows the actual Pocahontas story, then they would know it was a sad story. She was taken prisoner at around the age 17 and while imprisoned attracted a man named John Rolfe. The only way she could be released was to agree to marry him. (Keep in mind how young she is) Years later after being married and having a son, she runs into John Smith and didn't really like him. About a year later she died at the age of 21 and was buried at Gravesend. It wasn't until after she died that John Smith made up the story of her rescuing him. There are many myths about Pocahontas and what they all have in common is her saving John Smith from something or someone and in some way. So maybe the stories about her life and legend are true. Or maybe John Smith was just a liar. He had already claimed two other times before that he had been rescued by a woman. Pocahontas was the third woman who he had claimed to "rescue him".

This is Pocahontas and her son Thomas.
Pocahontas in London at the age of 20. She died shortly after this picture was taken.
Pocahontas and John Smith as depicted in the Disney film.
Captian John Smith